Any downtime to your business can have a dramatic impact on your revenue and can take many forms: loss of productivity, loss of data, malware, reputation impact, and disasters disrupting your employee and customer operations. Do you know how much an outage from a disaster could cost your business? Use this calculator to help estimate the potential revenue loss.

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While there are many costs associated with downtime, this calculator shows the potential loss of sales and productivity an outage could have on a business with annual revenues of . Other exposures can span across the business, causing reputational harm and could leave your organization open to legal and compliance issues that will exponentially increase losses over time.

To limit your exposure to the financial detriments of downtime, put these two plans in place:
  • Ensure your data is protected with a robust data backup and recovery plan
  • Deploy cybersecurity monitoring solutions to protect and mitigate the impacts of malware

TBConsulting can help you get started by conducting a Security Posture Assessment:

Start Assessment

Timespan Downtime cost
Per week
Per day
Per hour
Per minute