A Manufacturing Executive’s Guide: How to Align Your Cybersecurity Spending with Risk Tolerance


For most businesses, cybersecurity makes up 10% of the
overall IT budget, but for manufacturing, cybersecurity
spend lags at 5-8% according to Gartner. Is that enough
for the manufacturing industry? The answer is as unique as
your product, but simply relegating cybersecurity to a line
item in the IT budget is a risky proposition. Underinvesting
in cybersecurity can adversely impact your supply chain,
production processes, delivery, threaten your intellectual
property, and ultimately, your business outcomes. 


In this White Paper, learn how to:

      • Utilize a NIST Cybersecurity Framework to map risk against budget

      • Maximize your cybersecurity tools with proper integration

      • Strategize with the cybersecurity experts

Download the white paper to learn more!

Download the White Paper